Most important meal of the day

Feb 23rd '14 15:18 PM
I have heard so many people say they save calories by not eating breakfast. When your mom told you that breakfast was the most important meal of the day she wasn't lying. Your body has been fasting for 8-10 hours (sometimes longer) as you sleep. You need to refuel it to get it started.
Feb 23rd '14 20:44 PM
I always used to think breakfast make me hungrier and I used to skip it when dieting. I don't know how I did it as I am always starving when I wake up now!
Feb 23rd '14 22:26 PM
I thought everyone knew this by now. I used to skip it all the time too. I don't anymore. I know that when I eat breakfast my metabolism gets started again. I need my metabolism to get started because that is how we burn calories.
Feb 24th '14 18:46 PM
Aboutme, you would think so, but so many people I know still skip it. I have found that it actually keeps me from snacking myself into a coma over the course of the day. I am not as hungry at other meals.
Feb 25th '14 00:48 AM
Gets the metabolism going even if it's something little, I was so surprised that I lost when I ate 3 meals over 1 meal and a bag of crisps again! A habit I need to get back into... breakfast
Feb 25th '14 08:55 AM
I really really struggle with breakfast, always have! I do try, but I just struggle to get food down me in the mornings!
Feb 25th '14 09:19 AM
Get some shakes PP just for mornings? That's what I'm getting in again!
Feb 26th '14 11:16 AM
I might do! I'll have to have a look in superdrug at them! I think most of them aren't vegetarian, so I'll have to go through the labels with a fine tooth comb
Feb 28th '14 10:29 AM
Oh really, never thought you'd have to consider that! x
Mar 6th '14 22:05 PM
Quote by MiniMe:
I have heard so many people say they save calories by not eating breakfast. When your mom told you that breakfast was the most important meal of the day she wasn't lying. Your body has been fasting for 8-10 hours (sometimes longer) as you sleep. You need to refuel it to get it started.

I just have to agree with this. You know how it always goes. Eat like a king for breakfast, eat like a prince for lunch, and eat like a pauper for dinner. You will only sleep after dinner, anyway. Besides, you will need the energy for the rest of the day.