Music and mood

Feb 21st '14 16:21 PM
Rock music is what usually does it for me. It seems to elevate my mood. Sometimes I even listen to some of the more upbeat, fast paced country music if I feel like a change.

I could be sitting here, thinking about wanting to get something from the fridge, and I'll put on some of the right music (for me) and I forget all about wanting that food. It changes my frame of mind.
Feb 21st '14 16:44 PM
I find this too. If it's a good upbeat song it will really cheer me up
Feb 21st '14 18:51 PM
Nice! Use the power of music to stop the self destruction. I too do the same thing sometimes. Do you think you could have the same effect listening to some jazz?
Feb 21st '14 20:20 PM
Music definitely helps to change my mood and keeps my mind off of things, food included, which can be a very good thing. Music can do a lot of good. (:
Feb 22nd '14 03:51 AM
It's actually been proven that there's a certain beat frequency that boosts mood. I can't remember the exact ratio, but I do remember most pop songs and techno had a positive effect on mood. Faster tempos are good for you.
Feb 22nd '14 09:26 AM
It's classical music that does it for me, I'm such a geek but really any music will lift my mood!
Mar 3rd '14 01:29 AM
I wish music made me not want to eat. I guess I should try turning up the music when I'm hungry. I bet it might work because it might get me to want to boogie! I will have to try it the next time I am tired or bored (that is when I think I'm hungry).