The Gastroenteritis Diet

Feb 18th '14 10:27 AM
Ok so I'll admit, this isn't a diet that I'd recommend to anyone. Wow! I've had gastro this weekend, and have lost 4lb in two days. I'm sure that some will come back on when I re-hydrate, but in the meantime I'm enjoying the scale!
Feb 18th '14 11:05 AM
The gastro-enteritis diet works wonders doesn't it just a shame it's so awful! I hope you're feeling better soon! I think I managed 8lbs once! Just a shame it doesn't stay off and you feel so bad with it!
Feb 18th '14 12:53 PM
It's awful, isn't it! I had a bug for weeks and lost 8 lbs. it's really helped me to get down to my current weight, but good god it was horrible!

Feel better soon!

Feb 18th '14 15:46 PM
Oh, no. That's certainly a harsh way to lose weight. Sorry a few of you have been feeling bad. Just be careful you don't get your electrolyte balance all messed up. For me, being nauseated is the most awful part. Be well!
Feb 19th '14 11:36 AM
Three of us are through the other side now, but we still have one member of the family who has to get it. She's showing symptoms now, so I'm expecting it to hit her hard in the next hour or two. Horrible! Thanks for the wishes!