Feel I've fallen off ...

Feb 13th '14 22:26 PM
So I've been quiet ... I feel like I've fallen off although I seem to be hovering around or just above my lowest weight I don't feel healthy at all right now and worst of all I feel unfit Totally my fault since I haven't been to the gym for a handful of weeks for various reasons, well one reason was feeling like s*** suffering insomnia quite bad and feeling a tad low = no energy so my solution was to make myself feel worse, now I can't drag my butt over to the gym

I guess with weight I feel more like I have fallen off routine, the routine that made me feel good... I lie it made me feel GREAT!

I'm doing a 10km run in May as well, training started in January... well actually the point being I've not started.

Feb 14th '14 14:17 PM
We've all been there hun! I know I have more than once! I massively fell off the running wagon and just kinda thought f it, I need to do it and forced myself! I've been trying to eat better too, even though all I'm craving is crap! I'm feeling really sluggish too though!
Feb 14th '14 21:33 PM
Yes we have definitely all been there. I was hugely off track for a big chunk of last year. You will get back to it. Sometimes getting started and into that mindset again is the hardest part, but when you're back in the routine of things it is much easier. Insomnia sucks, I know I hope things improve soon
Feb 17th '14 01:00 AM
Back to it this week then things changed and tomorrow I'm off to Northern Ireland for a quick visit, viewing a house... Back home Tuesday evening! I feel bloated x
Feb 17th '14 11:41 AM
Have a good time in Ireland

Hope you can get back on track soon!

Feb 18th '14 01:51 AM
We have all been there. I think the key is getting back to the gym. The first couple of times will be "killer". Once you get back into the routine it will be simple and fun again. You will start feeling better. Yuk to bloating!
Feb 19th '14 00:19 AM
I'm so bloated I see it now and I'm not happy with myself at all. Enough is enough, I'm back home and tomorrow salad is being bought for a couple of days worth of meals!

Feb 19th '14 10:22 AM
Sounds like a good plan! You will get there hun!
Feb 19th '14 17:49 PM
I agree with everyone else. We have all been there. It is nothing to be ashamed of. When I don't feel like going to the gym, I usually do some light exercising at home, even if it is just some light yoga.
Feb 20th '14 21:47 PM
I have been naughty and somewhat fallen off before but definitely not as much as I have now or felt so bad in such a long time. I'm getting there although not been entirely good