Vitamin B and C

Feb 9th '14 17:09 PM
Okay my doctor told me that I need to eat more foods with Vitamin B and C. I have been really watching what I eat lately. What foods are high in these vitamins but are still healthy to eat?
Feb 9th '14 18:33 PM
Vitamin c is really easy to get through fruits and veg. One kiwi fruit can provide over 100% of your rda of vitamin c.

Vitamin B is found in various animal products and eggs, or you can get it in beans, rice, peas

Feb 9th '14 18:38 PM
Yes, I would highly suggest any citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, juices, and leafy green vegetables! Not that cheap iceberg lettuce which has mostly water and no vitamins. Romaine lettuce, green leaf, red leaf lettuce, and butter lettuce are all full of vitamins.
Feb 10th '14 20:38 PM
Oranges are my favorite source of Vitamin C, and red meat is my favorite source of B-vitamins. You can also supplement both of those, though, if you're not a fan of citrus fruits or animal products.
Feb 11th '14 02:14 AM
Did he happen to mention what type of B vitamin that he'd like you to increase? There is a long list of B vitamins. Some of the most common are; B1 thiamine, B2 riboflavin, B3 niacin, B9 folic acid, B12 cobalamin. Maybe a good quality B multivitamin would be in order?
Feb 11th '14 11:37 AM
There are B vitamins (B12) that can only be got from animal or synthetic sources. It isn't available in plant foods. So you really might be better off getting a B vitamin complex.
Feb 13th '14 22:29 PM
I never knew that about Kiwi. I'm not a fruit eater other than strawberries and raspberries but Kiwis I have not had in a long time, think I will get me some

I take supplements lazy easier solution
Feb 13th '14 22:29 PM
I never knew that about Kiwi. I'm not a fruit eater other than strawberries and raspberries but Kiwis I have not had in a long time, think I will get me some

I take supplements lazy easier solution