Math whiz

Jan 20th '14 15:41 PM
I have noticed most of my friends that are deemed a math whiz are amazing at keeping track of what they eat, how much they eat and so on. Are there any tricks that a math whiz could pass on to help the rest of us? Other than being details is there anything the rest of us are missing? I think I might need to get back into jotting everything down again and I honestly do not want to.
Jan 20th '14 16:00 PM
Do you mean calorie counting?

Maybe they're just used to their food routine now? I got so far into calorie counting that I just knew what was ok and what wasn't to have within my daily amount without using MFP.

Easiest way to log for me was MFP available on smart phones!
Jan 22nd '14 13:53 PM
I can tell you that I'm no math whiz but I do try to keep a tally in my head of the calorie count for the day. I usually do a rough estimate so I have a number in mind. Mostly, though, I've been trying to plan out my meals in advance so I know if I eat A at lunch time, then I can have B later for dinner.
Jan 22nd '14 14:36 PM
I don't think it is just calorie counting, I have seen a few that will break down everything they put into their body. Carbs, proteins - figuring out the math behind how much of one type of group they need and adjust accordingly. I can not keep up with them so I am wondering if there are some math tricks (or maybe a program) that is helping these people along.
Jan 22nd '14 15:44 PM
That sounds complicated, but I've no doubt that some people are able to calculate all of that in their heads. There probably is some sort of program for that... but I've not heard of it. (Sorry.) Do you know any of these human calculators well enough to ask them how they do it?
Jan 22nd '14 20:39 PM
It must be quite tricky to do it all in your head with the exact counts. I know that I log it on MFP as I wouldn't be able to keep adding it up in my head!
Jan 23rd '14 11:35 AM
I wouldn't be able to keep up with the amounts of everything that's for sure ... I don't count carbs I just know what is high carbs and eat in moderation.