From 2p-4p

Jan 6th '14 20:55 PM
I am not hungry! For crying out loud I just ate lunch at noon. Every work day between 2pm and 4pm I get the munchies. I want to eat everything in sight. I want to go to the vending machines and buy bad food. This morning I stopped at the grocery store and I bought oranges and yogurt. I'm heading to the fridge in a minute to get an orange.

Anyone else go through this?
Jan 6th '14 22:28 PM
Yes every single day! It's so annoying being hungry just a few hours after eating. Today I have experimented with eating more fat and protein and less carbs. My calories have been the same. I went 5.5 hours without being hungry and was amazed! That never happens!
Jan 7th '14 01:34 AM
I have the same problem, too. It seems like I get hungry about every two hours, no matter what I ate at the last meal. I try to "eat light" to compensate for that, but it seems like then I just stay hungry ALL the time! Argh!!
Jan 7th '14 02:12 AM
It's not 2p-4p for me, it is 6p-8p, but I go through the exact same thing. I always want junk food, too -- not whatever healthy food I have in the fridge!!
Jan 7th '14 04:33 AM
I used to be that way, but now I eat larger servings for my meals. I find I stay fuller for longer that way. Oranges and yogurt are good, healthy choices for a snack.
Jan 7th '14 18:31 PM
The last hour before my dinner I could happily grab something naughty, feeling that way now but I'm trying to clear some work load after being off for a week think I need to give in ad have dinner within the next hour. Not the best choice but I aimed for a coffee.
Jan 7th '14 19:24 PM
Mid afternoon and after 7 o'clock I want naughty stuff and have not been very good at refraining which I must stop now!
Jan 15th '14 19:25 PM
I have the same problem at night too. If I am just sitting down and watching TV I want to eat. I need to kick that habit too. I have been bringing in oranges and yogurt for 2 weeks now. I grab one of these around 2:30pm.