Meal Planning 2014

Jan 2nd '14 17:01 PM
I am going to start making a more concentrated effort on planning meals. It takes some of the fun and spontaneity out of eating but gives me more control. I also think there will end up being a lot less waste going into the trash.

For this weekend, I bought a whole chicken. I'll roast it in the oven and have chicken breasts for a couple meals. Then I can chop up some of the other meat for stir fry and salads. The remainder can go into a pot as a base for a nice veggie soup. I'll round that out with yogurt, eggs, and fruit for breakfast and snacks.
Jan 2nd '14 18:05 PM
That sounds like a great idea. I always feel so much more in control when I've planned my meals in advance, and it does help to reduce a lot of waste too. Win win all round!
Jan 3rd '14 00:13 AM
Shopping is so much cheaper when having a plan too

My missus quite often does food plans. I don't mind not being spontaneous when it comes to food. I think the same as Bev, I think I feel more in control when it is thought out.
Jan 7th '14 21:44 PM
If I plan my meals I find I keep on track and like you say much less food wastage which is ££ in the pocket and not in the bin!
Jan 8th '14 03:01 AM
This is something I need to work on more, too. We pretty much have the same thing for breakfast and lunch all the time, but I seem to have quite the mental block against planning ahead for dinner.
Jan 8th '14 22:23 PM
I am starting to meal plan for Mondays shopping, I waste a lot of food. No more easy foods on my shopping list either.
Jan 9th '14 17:07 PM
Breakfast and lunch is pretty much the same things for me too, I just want quick and easy... that's when I bother
Jan 9th '14 17:51 PM
For this week I got a small ham and some cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and dried peas. I plan to cook the ham and then slice a bunch of it for lunches this week. With the remaining ham and bone I'll put on a pot of soup that will make several meals and I'll be able to freeze a couple small portions for later. The rest of my meals will be eggs or oatmeal for breakfast and I bought a box of Raisin Bran, milk, cottage cheese, and some yogurt.
Jan 9th '14 20:55 PM
Oh Raisin bran sounds nice, now I'm at the end of my journey maybe I can go for things like this instead of plain bran flakes... just adding raisins would feel like a treat
Jan 10th '14 16:09 PM
I only wish they didn't feel the need to add sugar to the raisins. I was thinking about buying plain bran flakes and just adding my own raisins to it. They add calories but they also contain a lot of iron.