Do you like the diet food that you eat?

Jan 1st '14 01:52 AM
Do you enjoy the tastes of the diet food that you eat? Is it difficult for you to stick to a diet?

It was very difficult for me at first, but it got easier and easier as time went on. I enjoy eating my diet food; it is good, but sometimes - actually, a lot of the time, I crave other foods. But I just have to keep on reminding myself that it will be worth it in the end.

How about you? What has your experience been like?
Jan 1st '14 15:55 PM
What do you mean by "diet food?" I only ask because I don't consider the food I eat to be "diet" food. I eat oatmeal, fresh fruit, vegetables, potatoes, rice, lean meat, low fat dairy, etc. I try as much as possible not to eat overly processed or packaged foods, and yes, I do like the way the food tastes. Are you eating prepackaged food, like Lean Cuisines or something?
Jan 1st '14 17:07 PM
Hmm, I don't like diet frozen meals, Nutrisystem food, or anything like that, if that's what you're getting at. I try to do pretty much what Chunky said -- just eating healthy foods, fresh produce, etc., and limiting junk food.
Jan 1st '14 17:58 PM
I just eat normal healthy food with naughties thrown in for good measure
Jan 1st '14 19:10 PM
I like all food. I just like the wrong foods more I think my problem is I have it stuck in my head that diet foods/meals are boring. I tend to stick to the same few meals/recipes through convenience. It's probably my fault for not finding a wider range of meal alternatives
Jan 2nd '14 09:42 AM
I don't really eat diet foods as such, I just stick to whole foods. I like them but I like junk food so much more, and that is my problem!