Emotional Eating -- How do you stop?!

Dec 18th '13 13:42 PM
Seems like I have certain times of the day where I do really well, and certain times of the day (or night, rather) where my emotions get the better of me and then all I want to do is eat comfort food... in very large amounts!

Do you guys do this? If so, have you found ways to stop? Sometimes it feels like my emotional eating is sabotaging my efforts at weight loss. I really want to get to a point where I only depend on food for hunger, but I don't know how to break lifelong habits of emotional eating.
Dec 19th '13 10:00 AM
It happens to many, it is normal, but make it a point when you are eating you are eating something healthy low fat snacks or delicacies made with sugar substitues.
Dec 19th '13 12:54 PM
It is tough. At the moment I'm trying to remember how bad I feel when I have eaten too much because of emotions. Only this morning I avoided the mcdonalds festive burger when my husband got one. It's so hard I know!
Dec 20th '13 03:27 AM
I eat when I am bored so I have to try and stay busy. I also eat when things are going well. When I am nervous about something, worried, or upset, that's when I lose my appetite and don't want to eat.
Dec 20th '13 05:20 AM
I have problems with eating when I'm bored, too. I had to find some new hobbies -- ones that are, quite literally, incompatible with eating. (It's easy to munch while you watch TV, for example, but not so easy to eat while crocheting with a needle in one hand and yarn in the other.) As for the emotional eating, have you thought about keeping a journal? Even if it's on the computer and even if you delete every entry after you make it, maybe getting your issues off your chest would help you to keep from "eating them away."
Dec 20th '13 08:13 AM
Chunky, keeping a journal is a good idea. I remember keeping one back in middle and high school but stopped somewhere along the lines and haven't done it since. Maybe that would be a good way to keep from eating whenever I'm excited or upset. Thanks.
Dec 20th '13 17:18 PM
The biggest time this is an issue for me is right after getting past a cold. For some reason my body wants any and every type of food there is. It is not emotional for me, it is recovery mode!
Dec 27th '13 13:19 PM
Avidian, I know what you mean; I always want to eat during and after a cold. I think part of it is a comfort thing, like on some level I hope eating will make me feel better, even though it's not medicine.
Dec 27th '13 17:37 PM
I think I eat more when I am bored to be honest. Now that I have been so busy, I don't think it's having the same effect on me anymore. If you stay busy, then you will most certainly not eat as much.
Dec 30th '13 23:09 PM
I was thinking about this again over the last weekend and another time that messes me up is when there are other people in the house with me. I work from home so I have my schedule, every day at noon I go get lunch. When everyone is here with me I end up cooking far too much and eating many bad things too.