Small Changes

Dec 13th '13 04:19 AM
What are some small changes that I could make to my diet that would help me cut points (on Weight Watchers) from my daily intake? Ideally I'd like to cut about 5 points per day from my intake so that I don't have to cut into my weekly points quite so often...
Dec 13th '13 18:23 PM
I don't know much about weight watchers, but things like using sweetener instead of sugar in hot drinks, using low fat milk or dairy alternative milk and switching to low calorie spray rather than oil for cooking tend to all add up!
Dec 13th '13 19:14 PM
I don't know that much about Weight Watchers either but I will say that when I stop eating cookies, bread, and stuff like that, I can easily drop a few calories. I know it's going to be tough during the holidays though!
Dec 13th '13 22:11 PM
I would say to add fruits and veggies to every meal. I'm a Weight Watchers member and fresh fruits and veggies are all 0 points foods. Try adding a full serving (or two) of fruits and/or veggies to each meal to help make the meal more filling without giving it more points.
Dec 19th '13 10:07 AM
Include lots of fresh fruits and vegtables in your diet. Buy low fat dairies. To sweeten your drinks use honey or jaggery.
Dec 19th '13 12:49 PM
Try to bulk your meals out with more veggies as these will fill you up for little calories. Every little change can help such as switching to lower fat versions or reducing portion size slightly.