What would you want back?

Dec 5th '13 15:15 PM
Many of us are looking to either lose weight or just tone up. Is there anything besides this that you would change? Honestly, I miss the chest I used to have. After two kids then trimming back to before pregnancy weight right away and losing the chest you get with pregnancy, then gaining it back years later (because I was lazy) then losing it again. Well I just feel neglected in this area. If I could get one thing back it would be my chest.
Dec 5th '13 15:42 PM
I want a relatively toned tummy back my first baby was huge and my stomach's like a road map

I'm a bit weird, I've always wanted small boobs! I'm really jealous of people with small ones, mine are a lot smaller than they were, but I'd still like them smaller!
Dec 5th '13 15:51 PM
I would want back my youthful energy that I used to have! For now, it's getting better but I don't think it will ever be as much as I used to have. I am having better luck with the new foods I'm eating though.
Dec 7th '13 16:57 PM
Some new boobs would be fabulous
Dec 8th '13 18:06 PM
I want a flatter stomach and slimmer legs please!
Dec 8th '13 20:01 PM
I just want to look healthy, honestly. I spent most of my childhood, teens, and early adulthood being underweight, and after I hit 22, I slid from too skinny to pudgy! I think I had a "trim" figure for all of three months. I'll be happy when I find it again.
Dec 9th '13 06:40 AM
I would like to get back some of the energy I used to have when I was thinner. I'd also really like to get back into a lot of the clothes that are taking up room in my closet that don't fit me right now.
Dec 9th '13 14:49 PM
I'm more than willing to donate my boobs to anyone who wants them

It's weird, I want to lose weight from everywhere a part from my bum I have no bum lol. My trousers struggle to stay up even with my excess weight
Dec 9th '13 16:13 PM
I'd be fine with smaller boobs. Mine are way too big and bras are expensive! They will probably get smaller as I lose weight though.

I'd also like smoother skin. I hate the lines that are showing up.
Dec 13th '13 20:18 PM
I am okay with the energy level and the legs, it is very easy to tone legs when you are on a bike. When I hit the mountain bike even just doing about 12 miles a week it adds up quick. The chest area depresses me. I have always been on the smaller size but jumping up to a 38DD and then back down again feels like a big ole punch in the gut. I don't want them that size again, but something bigger than what I have would be nice.