Trigger foods

Nov 30th '13 19:50 PM
I was just reading an article that talked about knowing which things are your "trigger foods". Those are the ones that you have a problem turning down or they end up knocking you off your diet when you eat too much.

For me, it's breads and pastas. I can go for a long time without them and then when I decide that it's okay to have just a little, I end up going way overboard!
Nov 30th '13 23:52 PM
For me it is potatoes and chips! Oh wait - chips are potatoes. I'm a salt addict. You can put tons of desserts in front of me and I won't be tempted. Put a bag of Lay's Wavy Lays in front of me and I'm eating the whole bag.
Dec 1st '13 03:31 AM
For me, it's peanut butter. I don't know what it is about the stuff but I can eat it by the spoonful straight out of the jar until I just about make myself sick!
Dec 1st '13 11:19 AM
Crisps and chips! Although I'm loads better with crisps now and can handle just having the odd bag!
Dec 1st '13 15:48 PM
Comfort foods like macaroni and cheese or lasagna are hard for me to turn down and not be tempted in getting a second serving. Yes, and potatoes too. Chips, crisps, mashed. They are addictive.
Dec 2nd '13 14:43 PM
I'm the same as aboutme. Bread and crisps/chips. I can go ages without them but when I get suckered in it takes at least a week to get back on the wagon
Dec 2nd '13 15:09 PM
Crisps I miss and I'm the same with pasta and bread, I miss them A LOT but they are easy prepare foods I guess.
Dec 2nd '13 16:03 PM
Breads and chocolate are my two biggest downfalls, particularly chocolate. I have to keep certain kinds of chocolate candy out of my house entirely; there are a few that I can regulate but it's a constant struggle.
Dec 2nd '13 17:17 PM
I'm all about the salt and chips. There aren't too many sweet things that I like except for chocolate chip cookies! Doritos, Lays, Pirate's Booty, Kettle Chips, etc. Do I need to continue here? I better go eat a salad right now!
Dec 3rd '13 00:32 AM
Chocolate and chips are hard for me, too. I've gotten myself to be better trained about my snacks, but it's still hard, especially when it's offered at a party or gathering.

I've learned over time that my chip craving is all about the salt. I curb it with 94% fat free popcorn. Works pretty well for me!