Holiday Season

Nov 30th '13 02:32 AM
How many of you here would consider yourselves "seasoned dieters?" I ask because I wonder how many dieters actually manage to make it through the holiday season every year without sliding backwards and gaining weight. Even better yet, have any of you managed to actually keep losing through the holidays?
Nov 30th '13 23:54 PM
Not me! I never lose weight during the holidays. I don't gain during the holidays either. I work out extra hard during the holidays. I do eat more so I know I have to burn more. I actually track how much exercise I do during the holidays. I am better at tracking the exercise than the calories.
Dec 1st '13 03:30 AM
I wouldn't consider myself a seasoned dieter if it means losing weight during the holidays, but I have managed to get the hang of not gaining weight during November and December. I'm hoping this year, with Weight Watchers helping me, I might be able to swing the scale in the right direction through these next couple months.
Dec 1st '13 23:01 PM
I have no doubt I will add some lbs over Christmas and the new year but I am going to try and control what I eat for the sake of it. Never something I've considered before
Dec 2nd '13 02:15 AM
In years past, I've always put on between five and ten pounds over the holidays (six seems to be the magic number for some reason) but this year I'm really going to try and keep from sliding backwards. Being on Weight Watchers has really been an eye-opener for me as far as how quickly the points add up, especially when you're eating a lot of starchy sides!
Dec 3rd '13 16:34 PM
I am not but I have a niece who is right before the summer hits. I have never done this myself but I would rather be heavier in the winter when I need that extra weight to stay warm. We are expected to have a very nasty few months coming up too and I am not motivated by cold weather that is for sure!
Dec 4th '13 12:51 PM
I usually manage to put a few pounds on over Christmas. But last year I was so strict undetermined I actually lost weight over Christmas!
Dec 4th '13 17:15 PM
At the end of the year I really do not even bother to worry about it. It has been a long year by then and everyone deserves a break.
Dec 4th '13 17:34 PM
I'm going to try my best but I also won't beat myself up over a couple pounds during the holidays. I live alone so I can control my meals but it is a more social time of year so there are more parties and gatherings that center around food.