Scales playing catch up?!

Nov 29th '13 09:19 AM
Is this like a real thing?! My weight completely stalled for 3 weeks, it wouldn't shift even an ounce! This week though I've lost 3lb despite my monthly visitor and eating all the left over party food I weighed twice this morning just to check cos I couldn't believe it

Is it possible that it's been coming off for a while and taken a while for my body to actually catch up to what it's done? I have been mad busy this week, so it is possible that I've just burned it all off running around like a headless chicken
Nov 29th '13 10:01 AM
Mine have shifted to the lowest as well YAY! Who blooming cares it's -3lb well mine is 1.9lb from last lowest lol! x
Nov 29th '13 11:17 AM
Maybe the weight fairies are just being nice to us it's got me doubting myself though, I was adamant I was stopping at 8st13 I suppose what will happen will happen, but I'm considering 8.7 as a target now!
Nov 29th '13 12:04 PM
It's very possible! Scales are strange things!

Well done on the weight loss

Nov 29th '13 17:55 PM
I think it randomly shifts to be honest. For me I do not have a normal cycle (birth control changed that years ago), but I do have random bloat moments and it is not just once a month. I swear sometimes I am like a camel hoarding around water for who knows what.
Nov 29th '13 22:06 PM

I don't seem to hold a lot of water, but I do have an over active bladder, I panic when I'm going out and have to wee loads and have to go twice before I go to bed - I'm always on the loo! It's weird tho, looking at myself, I don't think I look 3lb lighter! I think is going off my boobs though!
Nov 30th '13 10:28 AM
Lowest here too and with monthly visitor too
Nov 30th '13 10:37 AM
I wonder what's happened for us all to be losing this week?! Not complaining like, but it's weird that we've all suddenly had good losses!
Dec 1st '13 23:05 PM
Push-up bras lol ... My boobs are awful
Dec 2nd '13 08:46 AM
I don't mind mine going tbh, although I wish they were a little more perky when I was pregnant I literally couldn't find maternity bras to fit they were that big and cos I'm short, it makes my boobs look like they're taking over my whole body