Do you avoid diet drinks?

Nov 28th '13 03:08 AM
I know that the artificial sweeteners aren't the best thing in the world for us, but I'm diabetic (mildly, so far) so sugar is far worse for me. I only buy a couple bottles of diet soda each month so I don't think that's enough to worry about.
Nov 28th '13 14:00 PM
I have a few friends that are very big on voicing their views on Aspartame which is in most sweeteners, so I'm told. I have sweetener in my coffee and drink Pepsi max as a mixer when having spirits, but I don't have loads so I don't worry too much about it.
Nov 28th '13 16:20 PM
I try to avoid them because of the aspartame. But I mostly drink water anyway!
Nov 29th '13 16:18 PM
I don't worry about avoiding diet soda. I enjoy drinking it and aspartame saves me the calories. The diet version tastes better to me anyway.
Nov 29th '13 17:57 PM
I do not really like diet anything, most I have tried tastes too odd for me when you compare them to the real deal. Thankfully I limit the soda I drink, diabetes already runs rapid in my family so I am not trying to head in that direction anytime soon.
Nov 29th '13 18:15 PM
I don't drink diet anything. I have not drank those for years after tasting them in the 80's, and today with that aspertame crap. It's really bad for you if you didn't know.

You might as well just drink the regular pure cane sugar sodas because you can at least burn those off. High fructose corn syrup is really bad as well, so don't think I'm advocating those.
Nov 29th '13 20:34 PM
You can't really judge something by what it was like thirty years ago. Lots of new products have come onto the market since that time.

I'm not a big diet soda drinker but I will have one when I am out or at someone's home and not think too much about it.
Nov 30th '13 01:43 AM
I do stay away from diet drinks! I switched from Coke to Diet Coke a while back. I kid you not I started forgetting things! I swore I was going crazy. I talked to my doctor and he told me to stay away from Diet Coke.
Nov 30th '13 02:24 AM
Quote by TwylaDee:
I know that the artificial sweeteners aren't the best thing in the world for us, but I'm diabetic (mildly, so far) so sugar is far worse for me. I only buy a couple bottles of diet soda each month so I don't think that's enough to worry about.
I don't avoid diet drinks at all. I'm not diabetic, but when I first started counting calories I was astonished to realize how much I was taking in via soda. I switched to diet drinks and lost several pounds just from that alone. I know they say that artificial sweeteners are bad for you in excess, but I had to do a paper about it for school and in order to affect your health, you pretty much have to consume those artificial sweeteners all day everyday. They have very high tolerable limits, in all honesty.
Nov 30th '13 07:21 AM
I try to avoid soda altogether since it's bad for your teeth. I'm mostly a tea drinker these days. There are many herbal and fruit teas that are sweet enough on their own.

There are a number of natural sweeteners that have a low glycemic index. I'm quite fond of agave nectar. I want to try coconut palm sugar, but I have yet to find it in my local stores.

Another option is Zevia. It's made with stevia instead of artificial sweeteners, and it has zero calories.