Eating on a schedule

Nov 13th '13 04:23 AM
For a while, I was just counting calories, but I had a tendency to eat too many calories too early on in the day and then wind up "out of calories" hours before bedtime. I'd wind up going to bed starving and then I'd wake up in the middle of the night and binge because I was so hungry. I decided that I needed to space my meals out further, stop snacking, and start focusing on larger, more satisfying meals. I know that's going against the whole, "eat small meals every 2-3 hours" theory that seems to be so popular right now, but I'm doing so much better eating just 3 square meals a day, spaced about 5 hours apart. I don't go to bed or wake up hungry anymore and it's so much easier to diet when you don't feel like you're hungry 24/7!
Nov 13th '13 22:48 PM
You know I often go through the same thing! I hate waking up early and being hungry. Then, I cannot get back to sleep and I'm tired for the rest of the day. That's annoying and exhausting. I do exactly what you do now. I eat every 5-6 hours and drink tons of water as well.
Nov 14th '13 00:27 AM
That just makes sense painted. I have found that if I drink a small amount of milk before going to bed, I don't get as hungry during the night. My thing is eating too late. I've got to stop that.
Nov 14th '13 13:30 PM
I am the exact opposite. I don't eat a lot in the morning so I have a lot of calories at the end of the day. I do tend to eat more at night because I know I have the calories saved up. My problem is that I don't burn enough calories at night.
Nov 14th '13 19:12 PM
I tend to not eat a lot for the first part of the day and then increase my calories later on as I have bedtime hunger issues!
Nov 14th '13 20:30 PM
I think that the best rule to follow is "Do what works best for you." Some people do best with a bunch of small meals, and some do best with the "3 squares" model. I don't know that it matters, as long as your overall intake is in the right range.
Nov 15th '13 20:30 PM
I eat one large meal per day then a small snack later on. I also eat a dessert. That's it. I know that eating like a snake is not the healthiest way to approach nutrition but it works for me. I tried grazing and I couldn't stop thinking about food. I'll stick to eating like a snake.