What was the last straw for you?

Nov 7th '13 15:36 PM
What happened that finally gave you the push to get in shape and lose weight?

I know there are the benefits of having more energy and generally feeling better/healthier, but I'm guessing for most people something has to happen to prompt a change.

For me it was a bunch of photos all taken on the same day by a friend who tagged me on Facebook. I was so mortified at how I looked that I untagged and hid them from my wall. Round face, a gap between my top and trousers where my t-shirt hung over my belly, and a few photos where I was sitting on the floor and the top of my legs looked huge. I know that's pretty vain coming from a bloke, but as I flicked back through all my tagged photos I realised what I used to look like and finally came to the conclusion that I needed to sort it out. The other thing that got me is on the same day I went to get a t-shirt out of the cupboard and it was an XXL. I think at the time of buying it I tried to convince myself that I was only getting it because it would shrink the first time I washed it. After seeing the photos I realised that was crap

I was never skinny, but I kinda liked how I used to look

Has anyone else had something happen that makes you say 'enough! I'm going on a diet'?
Nov 7th '13 15:41 PM
Yes. Last year I was eating so much junk the whole time and hit my highest weight of 171 lbs at only 5 ft tall. I had been struggling for ages to stick to a diet but one day enough was enough. I discussed it with my husband and he said he had noticed I was putting on lots of weight. Even though he didn't care what I weighed, the fact that someone else but me could see it really gave me the push I needed to lose weight.

I lost around 34 lbs between Christmas and March 2013. I have been on and off track since March but really want to get back into healthy habits again ASAP!

Nov 7th '13 18:01 PM
Mine was a combination of thing, but mostly pictures! I knew things were getting bad, but seeing pics with my jeans digging in and top riding up pushed me over the edge!
Nov 7th '13 21:09 PM
I really wish people wouldn't post photos at Facebook without letting us give the "go ahead" first. There have been a few times that I have politely asked the person to remove them and had the embarrassing task of explaining why. I don't think I really saw myself in the mirror the same way I was seeing myself in photos.

The final kicker for me is that I just am not moving very well anymore. I have had a couple back surgeries and I put on weight because I cannot exercise properly since then. But... losing weight would make things easier on my back so it is quite a dilemma. I have altered my diet a lot but it's a much slower process to lose weight when you can't be as active as you should be. I am trying really hard.

Nov 8th '13 05:36 AM
My final straw was stepping on the scale and realizing that I had gained close to 100 pounds in a matter of less than 3 years. Something about that magical 100 number just snapped something in my brain and after that I couldn't enjoy dining out and being lazy the way I could before.
Nov 8th '13 11:32 AM
The first time I lost weight it was so I could do a sponsored skydive... but then put it all back on afterwards

I think the last straw was when Wobbs put on some weight and we pretty much weighed the same, and then she lost shit loads Didn't want to be out done OK, so she has lost 4 stone and I've only lost 1.5, but I'm still at it