Greek Yogurt vs Regular Yogurt

Jan 21st '19 14:04 PM
Is Green yogurt better for us that regular yogurt? Is is Greek Yogurt more nutritious?

The answer is YES ...

If you are losing weight and or exercising this is the yogurt you should pick up!

During the process of yogurt regular yogurt is strained 2 times, Greek yogurt is strained 3 times which for information purposes is why it is thicker than regular yogurt.

So yes Greek yogurt is better for you than regular yogurt.

What do you have with yours?
Jun 19th '21 17:49 PM
thanks for the comparison, i didn't like Greek yogurt much when I used to eat yogurt back in the days but I always ate my yogurts with a slice of toasted toast.
Jan 25th '23 19:05 PM