Foods That Detox The Body

Feb 22nd '18 21:46 PM
Foods That Will Detoxify The Body

Forget the pills and supplements. When it comes to detoxifying your body your best source is FOOD.

Some try to lose weight and label their journey as a 'diet' believing diet means less food but it's about the right food. The foods that are good for us. The foods that make us feel full/satisfied.


Greens greens greens & fresh vegetables like kale, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, swiss chard, broccoli, bok choi, brussel sprouts ... all high in fibre. Other fibrous vegetables include asparagus, onions and beets.

Lemons, limes, grapefruits & oranges - citrus fruit aids the body by helping to flush out toxins. Not to forget they help curb your appetite. kick start your day with a cold or warm lemon drink.

Berries like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries & blueberries full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Don't forget your bananas, apples and avocados high in fibre and micronutrients while helping you feel full.

Garlic is one of the best foods out there ... decreases blood fats, boosts your immune system and produces detoxification enzymes that filter toxic residues from the digestive system while.

Green tea which is packed with antioxidants increases liver function. While green tea is a great for cleansing toxins from the body green tea there are claims it lowers cholesterol levels and decrease inflammation.

Water although not a food water plays a massive part of detoxing the body. Flushes unwanted toxins, boosts the metabolism and acts as an appetite suppressant. Don't forget it's also great for your skin!

Can you add any natural detoxing foods to our list?

Feb 23rd '18 19:32 PM
Great Post. I need to consume more of these!

Jun 19th '21 17:46 PM
I find that a freshly squeezed lemon a day has helped my immune system get the vitamin c boost it needed. Thanks for all the other tips