Do you meal plan

Aug 4th '16 15:15 PM
Do you meal plan? Does it work for you?

I do, admittedly it doesn't always go to plan but keeps me on track most times it helps put me back on track when I'm falling off which has been the case on an off this last couple of months

I also find a nice new notepad helps just for my food and goals and any notes based on those targets.

Attached Thumbnails
Do you meal plan-image1.jpeg  

Aug 4th '16 16:54 PM
This could be the answer for me, totally!
Aug 5th '16 09:01 AM
I'd go totally off the rails if I didn't plan. I always know the night before what we'll be having for dinner, as it invariably means getting something out of the freezer to defrost. Then every morning I plan the rest of the day. It saves having to make rush decisions that could prove costly, especially when hungry!
Aug 5th '16 14:14 PM
Sometimes my meal plan goes because I forget to defrost the meat

I have noticed this last few weeks I have gone for mostly bad quick foods because I have no plan but getting back into it is harder than it sounds when I sit down with my book.
Aug 10th '16 12:56 PM

I meal plan 1-2 days in advance. If I wake up in the morning and don't know what I'm having that day then I just go majorly off track!

Aug 10th '16 15:27 PM
I haven't planned this week (or last) as we've got family visiting and we're all over the place doing things and it's not quite worked out when we tried to plan food!

But normally I plan an entire week of food. If I don't, it's way too easy to go right off track!

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Aug 13th '16 02:52 AM
Emaline 30
I don't meal plan for the simple reason I never know from day to day what I am physically going to be able to do but on a fair day I will make a mental note of what I can have and then refine that via MFP info which is my life saver.
May 9th '17 18:07 PM
Its essential for me ! I like doing it too, I have a shopping list side by side and try to stick to it ! 3 meals over 7 days is a lot of shopping but it keeps me on the straight and narrow ! Treat myself to a 750ml of low alco wine once a week
May 9th '17 23:39 PM
I do and I don't. I tend to stick to certain dishes and always have the ingredients for them here. Some days I go vegetarian and then a few days a week I make sure to have my salmon or sea bass in. For lunch I always have my go-to salad (grated carrots, grated courgettes, chopped celery, chopped red peppers, tomatoes and beetroot and a can of mackerel in tomato sauce). And I have 2 breakfasts. First is natural yogurt with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and blueberries added and second is a bowl of porridge later. So I sort of meal plan. But not in the general sense :-D
May 26th '17 21:03 PM
I always meal plan. Life is hectic i dont know where i would be without it and it helps me budget too i do feel like i get stuck woth the same few dishes though xx