Quitting caffeine

Aug 21st '14 19:50 PM
I am a huge caffeine addict. I had very very strong coffees every morning to wake myself up and would have about 3-4 throughout the morning. I recently got my LO into a new routine of early to bed early to rise and she's waking around 6-6.30am. This made me even more tired and I found that the coffee was actually making me feel worse. I would get a brief spell of energy from the caffeine and then a huge crash and it was affecting my sleep too.

On Monday I decided to bite the bullet and give up caffeine cold turkey! Omg it was so hard and I was almost falling asleep. I had caffeine withdrawal headaches and was constantly exhausted. I am now on day 4 and finally started getting more energy and managed to go out for a walk this morning. I've been napping with my LO each day and falling asleep earlier at night. The sleep has been amazing and I'm so glad that I gave up caffeine. My mornings just aren't the same without it, but I am enjoying the benefits of quitting

Aug 22nd '14 07:06 AM
Blimey Bev, well done. It's such a hard thing to do because of the withdrawal as you know, so I am really impressed you have managed to quit like that. I think I read that it's sometimes a bit easier to just gradually reduce your intake to avoid the nightmarish symptoms so you have done amazingly well.

Glad you are feeling the benefits. Don't think I am quite ready to let go of my caffeine just yet but it is on the list hehe.
Aug 22nd '14 17:55 PM
Thank you! My husband said I should cut down gradually, but the more coffee I have, the more I need because it gives me such a big slump afterwards. Serves me right for having such strong coffee!
Just finished day 5 of being caffeine free!

Aug 25th '14 16:27 PM
That's great you managed to give up! There are definitely some things that it has to be all or nothing. I suppose I'm quite lucky re coffee as I usually have one very strong cup in the morning and that's it. A second coffee gives me a headache for the rest of the day.

Well done to you.
Aug 25th '14 20:05 PM
Wow...how are you getting on? Might try this in new year. Are you drinking decaf?
Aug 25th '14 21:58 PM
I'm just drinking lemon in hot water as I've heard that is meant to be quite energising and refreshing in the morning
Sep 4th '14 07:59 AM
Well, I managed to quit for two weeks and have now started drinking coffee again. Dohh! I am drinking two strong coffees a day but I can already notice the difference that I'm feeling more tired and struggling to sleep as well. I think I need to try and quit again!
Nov 28th '14 14:22 PM
Would you be able to cut down to one cup per day? I have just the one strong coffee with my breakfast and it doesn't seem to cause any ill-effects, I just get the boost of energy for a little while and no slump. I think it helps to drink coffee with a little food, especially low GI food as there is a slow release of energy from the body metabolising the food and this seems to wok well with coffee. Once the caffeine fix wears off, I just feel normal, no lethargy.

Like I said though, if I push it with a second coffee, I just get a headache so I am quite lucky as I am totally put off by that.

Obviously it would be great if you could give it up once and for all but stricly allowing yourself 1 cup per day might be the next best thing, especially if you just can't give it up.
Nov 28th '14 16:24 PM
Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. I think I will tnever u to have just one cup a day. Sometimes I think I will be okay with more but it always makes me feel more tired. I am so so tired recently and I have no idea why. I'm having 3 strong coffees a day at the moment but I do want to cut it down to just the one!
Nov 29th '14 18:40 PM
Wow Bev you are truly a hero)) I love coffee soooo much!! i think i won't be able to live without it. I think cutting the amount of coffee can be a good way out for you! you know i have made promise to myself few years ago and i still keep it: not more than 2 cups of coffee for a day and i quited with a very strong coffee at all! I put one spoon for a big cup and drink 2 cups not later than 1-2 pm. The rest of the day NO coffee)) I have no problems with sleep. Good luck to you!