Growing your own food

Jun 9th '14 20:13 PM
Today I bought some trays and compost and seeds to grow some veg. I am giving it a go with kale, spring onions and spinach. I planted them today and am keeping them on the patio in the trays for now until they're ready to transfer to the main soil. I am hoping to successfully be able to grow some of my own food. It would be so great to have fresh organic veg straight from my garden.

Does anyone else grow their own veg? What are your favourite types to grow?

Jun 9th '14 21:42 PM
I tried ...
I failed ...

Jun 10th '14 01:56 AM
oh we do tomatoes plants , salad , courgettes etc... California weather is good for it !
Jun 10th '14 16:31 PM
That is fantastic. I would definitely be growing some of my own food if I had the space. I am in an apartment. There is a small patio area but it doesn't provide enough sun until late afternoon when it gets too hot. I have been thinking about getting a potted tomato plant and a few herbs.
Jun 10th '14 16:52 PM
Quote by TwylaDee:
That is fantastic. I would definitely be growing some of my own food if I had the space. I am in an apartment. There is a small patio area but it doesn't provide enough sun until late afternoon when it gets too hot. I have been thinking about getting a potted tomato plant and a few herbs.
They sound like they would be good things to grow
Jun 10th '14 20:24 PM
Today I got some raspberry, blueberry and blackcurrant plants to plant and grow in the garden. I don't know how well they'll grow, but we will see!

Jun 11th '14 09:11 AM
Can't wait to see how you get on! When we eventually get settled into a new house I am going to try again
Jun 19th '14 20:13 PM
My plants are growing so fast! We bought a small walk-in greenhouse a few days ago and since we've put the plants in there they've had such fast growth and I've had to transfer a few to bigger pots.

Spinach, radish, onions and kale are growing really well. In the last few days I've planted tomatoes and green beans so hopefully they'll start growing soon.

My cherry tree that starting growing cherries last year has produced more this year. Have a tree full of them and they should be okay to eat in the next week

Jun 20th '14 15:39 PM
We went to a farm shop today and bought a tomato plant and a runner bean plant.
We still have lots of compost and pots left, so I've also planted some courgettes, salad leaves and cauliflower. I have so many plants now!

Jun 20th '14 15:44 PM
You are going to have enough food to feed everyone that lives on your street. That's brilliant. Will you be preserving or freezing any for after the season is over?

I'd love to see some pictures of your greenhouse. I am so jealous!