Herbal teas

Jun 8th '14 17:12 PM
Which types of herbal teas do you like drinking?

I need to try and drink more green tea as it has so many benefits. I've even managed to get my husband into drinking it occasionally!

I also like camomile or valarian tea in the evenings to help me sleep better. Also like fennel tea and lemon tea. I need to try and cut down on coffee and drink more herbal teas throughout the day!

Jun 8th '14 18:33 PM
I always wondered if camomile tea really does help you sleep, works for you?

Green tea is the best to go for health wise. I tried a couple of flavours recently and just can't find a fruit herbal I like very much.
Jun 8th '14 19:26 PM
Camomile tea tends to calm me which helps me fall asleep easier, but I do notice that maybe I'm becoming more tolerant to it. Maybe it's all the coffee I drink throughout the day though! Valarian tea definitely helps me though

I'm going to aim to drink more green tea from tomorrow

Jun 9th '14 10:04 AM
How much coffee do you drink, I used to drink 15/20 cups once upon on time would constantly put kettle on! I now stick to decaf apart from my morning cuppa.

Jun 9th '14 10:32 AM
Wow, that is a lot of coffee! I tend to have around 3 coffees a day but REALLY strong ones. I will put two heaped teaspoons of coffee in a cup and use half a cup of water so it's extra strong like espresso!

Had one strong coffee this morning and I'm having a green tea now

Jun 9th '14 17:14 PM
I love hibiscus, mint herbal tea. of course green is the fav one) I have never felt sleeping effect of camomile on me( but i have no problems with sleep actually;-) so maybe it depends on a person.
Jun 10th '14 17:00 PM
I bought some camomile and honey tea today which smells and tastes delicious!
Jun 11th '14 13:48 PM
I've got a green chai tea, but the spices in it are too strong for me! The woman in the health shop told me to use green tea in cooking and juices/smoothies as it has the same affect!

My favourite atm's strawberry and mango. I've got one bag left of dandelion and burdock and can't find any more but I loved that of a morning!

Also in my cupboard ATM are peppermint, strawberry/raspberry/cranberry, camomile&honey, lemon detox and dandelion. The camomile and honey's lovely!
Jun 11th '14 13:55 PM
You have a good range there!
I've never heard of using green tea in cooking and sauces, but it sounds like a good idea and healthy too.

I have never tried chai tea but I want to give it a go

Jun 11th '14 14:05 PM
She said it was a good way to get green tea down you if you don't like it I've cut out most caffeine, so am drinking herbal tea like it's going out of fashion!

If you want, I can send you my green chai tea, I'm not gona drink it