Cucumbers Hard To Digest?

May 5th '14 17:19 PM
Since when did cucumbers become hard to digest? I swear, it seems nobody I know can actually digest these things anymore. Is this because they are GMO?

Do you find the same things happening when you eat them now?
May 5th '14 21:10 PM
I have never had any problems with cucumbers, but my nan refuses to eat them as they 'repeat on her' and make her burp!
May 6th '14 01:08 AM
I don't think they have ever bothered me and I love eating them with grape tomatoes and green onion. Wow I'm getting hungry for them now.
May 6th '14 14:28 PM
They've never bothered me either, but my dad's the same as bev's nan and won't eat them cos they repeat! Apparently they don't if the skin's off though?!
May 6th '14 15:09 PM
I think it's the seeds. If you cut them and remove that soft center part where all the seeds are they aren't as bad. I like to buy the seedless variety. They don't tend to repeat on me as badly.
May 7th '14 09:50 AM
I never knew you could get seedless cucumbers! Every day's a school day!
May 8th '14 13:31 PM
I've had the Japanese seedless cucumbers and the English seedless cucumbers. I looked for some pictures to show you because they look different. They are long and skinny. They taste like regular cucumbers but they don't have all those seeds. They do cost more.

At this link, there is a little photo slide show that shows the different types of seedless cucumbers if anyone is interested in knowing.