Ideas for spinach

Apr 24th '14 06:39 AM
I'm trying to increase my intake of spinach. I've been suffering from low iron recently, so I'm trying to bulk up iron in the foods I eat. Problem is, you can only have spinach in a salad so many times! What other ways can I prepare it while retaining the nutrients?
Apr 25th '14 01:07 AM
I really need to know this good for you xx
Apr 28th '14 17:47 PM
Stir fry dishes
Curry dishes
Eggs and ham
Pasta bakes

I'm looking to introduce spinach to out foods more and hope to have some recipes to go up at some point as my search continues!
May 1st '14 03:34 AM
I've begun adding it to many recipes. I add fresh spinach to stir fry, sandwiches, pasta, quiche...anywhere I can sneak in in, I can. I think my favorite way to have it is creamed. A little Greek yogurt, a little butter, freshly steamed spinach and a bit of pepper = DELICIOUS.
May 4th '14 22:13 PM
I've added it to my whole wheat pasta. I add it to the water just before the pasta is ready, then strain it with the pasta. I add olive oil, grated romano cheese and grape tomatoes. It's yummy and one the kids favorites as well.
Apr 29th '15 10:48 AM
I put spinach in everthing lol, any pasta dish i throw a handful of raw in at the end for it to wilt, same with curries ........literally any hot dish i throw a handful in!
Apr 29th '15 14:17 PM
It is actually untrue that spinach has significantly more iron than any other green veg so you don't need to over do it, use a variety of green veg. also if your iron levels are low don't drink tea with your meals as it blocks the absortion of iron, but drinking orange juice helps the absorbtion. I found this out when I was suffering with anaemia.
Apr 29th '15 14:22 PM
I think with spinach you can almost throw it in most things over say broccoli and other greens generally adding more green into your food plans is a can't go wrong!
Apr 29th '15 14:25 PM
I haven't had spinach in ages. I need to get some as its so full of nutrients. I did grow some last summer but it's dead now, oops.
I have read somewhere (on here, I think) that it goes well in smoothies and you can't taste it in the smoothie.

Apr 29th '15 14:44 PM
^ Yep ... had a raspberry, banana, chocolate whey and spinach smoothie for lunch today ...