Bananas make me feel sick

Apr 22nd '14 15:19 PM
I really like bananas but every single time I eat one that is past the hard, yellow stage I get nauseated and bloated. It's a horrible feeling and then I can taste that banana over and over again. Am I a freak or does this happen to anyone else here?
Apr 23rd '14 10:31 AM
I like bananas too, but I prefer them really ripe. Maybe you're not leaving them long enough past the hard yellow stage? I eat mine when they've gone black. The only problem I have is that sometimes they make me cough but I haven't been able to find out why.
Apr 23rd '14 12:50 PM
If I eat them once they start to ripen they make me sick. There is some kind of gas that bananas give off as they ripen and I think that is the cause of it. If I eat them before they start to get brown, they don't bother me much, but once they start to get spotted, I cannot eat them.
Apr 23rd '14 16:45 PM
I have heard of this before with other people that end up getting a really upset stomach after eating them. It does not happen to me but it seems like it happens more in adults than kids. Anyone know what it is called?
Apr 23rd '14 22:01 PM
I like them best when they're green! I think they're meant to be better for you when they've got the black spots on but I hate the texture of them then.
Apr 24th '14 06:40 AM
I've heard that bananas can cause intestinal upset. It's one of the foods I was advised to stay away from when I was having GI issues. It can do a number on you!