What do you order if you're stuck at...

Feb 18th '14 20:00 PM
What do you order if you're stuck at a fast food restaurant? Do you try to get a healthy option? Or do you go a step further and try to get a customized order?
Feb 18th '14 22:47 PM
I try to go for what sounds the healthiest. If I was desperate I would look up the calorie counts on the Internet on my phone, haha.
Feb 19th '14 09:40 AM
I try to avoid fast food restaurants these days, but if I'm really in a bind and have no other choice, I go with a diet drink and some type of chicken that isn't fried. Barring that, I go with a baked potato or a salad with low fat dressing.
Feb 19th '14 20:58 PM
If on the off chance, I end up at a fast food restaurant, I usually order a salad. Nothing in those places, even the grilled chicken, is healthy after everything they put on it. Even just chips and cheese at Taco Bell is 300 calories!
Feb 19th '14 21:57 PM
Depends on where you are. Wendy's has some wonderful salads and their chili is actually a healthy option. Sometimes I will go there just to order the chili and a plain baked potato.
Feb 20th '14 09:07 AM
If I eat out, I tend to just eat what I fancy! I'm quite limited with fast food choices anyway with me not eating meat! Although if I'm near a barburritos I go there, they're probably full of calories, but feel healthier than burger and chips!
Mar 10th '14 18:55 PM
It isn't often I eat out these days so if I don't fancy the salad options I will use it as a treat day/meal