Menu planning

Dec 3rd '13 20:35 PM
Do any of you plan your week with what meals you'll be eating and figure out all the calories in advance? I tried doing that and it became so limiting that it hurt my progress more than helping it. I felt too locked in, if that makes sense.

I may try to do it again but with less stricter controls. Maybe like a mix or match plan with possible things that all have a similar calorie count.
Dec 3rd '13 21:58 PM
I don't do that, although I've heard it's a very good thing to do if you can. I prefer to take things more on a day by day basis, though. With Weight Watchers, I can splurge a little here and there and still be okay because of those weekly points they give you, so I don't worry so much about planning everything out to a "T" a week in advance.
Dec 3rd '13 22:41 PM
I'll usually plan out about two or three days' worth of meals, but only because that's how many days' worth of food I typically buy at one time. If I could get into a rhythm of only shopping once a week, I probably would plan out that far ahead, though.
Dec 4th '13 12:35 PM
I don't do, but I probably should do as it will probably help me to stay on track a lot better. I usually plan meals the night before.
Dec 10th '13 17:36 PM
I've gone backwards calorie counting but I do plan! This weeks shopping = chilli srambled eggs, ryvita with ham, cottage cheese, salad etc or cup a soups for lunch then dinners:
M - Chicken sweet chill stirfry
T - Lean pork chops, baby potatoes & salad
W - Chicken stew with wholemeal bread
T - Chicken, small jacket potato with salad
F - Chilli, rice and sour cream with a couple of doritos
S - Jacket potatoes, ham and salad
S - Chicken roast dinner

Afters are mullerlights or sugar free jelly with low squirty cream... I add a couple of sneaky chocolates on top to feel naughty!

Jan 10th '14 04:13 AM
Yes, I do, every week. I also freeze a lot of my foods in advance, so I only have to spend a few hours cooking for the month because a lot of it is getting put into the freezer.