% of hamburger

Nov 16th '13 23:00 PM
What kind of hamburger do you buy? Do you buy ground turkey instead of beef? I try to always buy 90% but sometimes I buy 80%. I think 80% has much more flavor - fat, I know!
Nov 17th '13 02:53 AM
You got it the 80% has more fat and the fat is the tasty part. I buy 80% and 90% and mix them. When I make meatloaf I use 80%. I put the meatloaf on a rack so that the grease (fat) drains to the bottom.
Nov 17th '13 13:36 PM
I buy 90%, but I cook with enough spices, etc. that I don't notice a loss of flavor. If I were making hamburger patties, I wouldn't use 90%, though. I want to like ground turkey, but it always tastes "off" to me, except possibly in chili or something very strongly-flavored.
Nov 17th '13 16:09 PM
I do use 80% when I am grilling. Most of the fat cooks out of the meat so we aren't eating it. It does have more flavor. I add spices too but there is just something about the extra 10% of fat!
Nov 17th '13 18:25 PM
I tried using the really super lean stuff and I just realized it was a waste of time! I stick with 80/20 now because I might as well just eat a salad if I use the 90%. That's also something you could do as well. Instead of eating chips, or fries on the side, have a healthy salad to offset the 20% fat in the beef.
Nov 17th '13 19:56 PM
I buy 90/10 for everything but grilled burgers. For those, I usually knock it back to the 85/15 because the fat drips off as it is cooking.
Nov 18th '13 11:02 AM
Guessing in the US it must be different than in UK when it comes to meat. Not sure our meat is labelled in percentages (unless someone else from the UK can correct me). From what I remember from the last time I went to the store it's just regular, lean and extra lean.

Seems to be that way with a few things (US v UK) for example milk here is Full Fat, Semi-Skimmed and Skimmed, where as there don't you use a percentage to describe milk?