Terry's chocolate orange with exploding candy

Nov 5th '13 00:20 AM
How many syns in Terry's chocolate orange with exploding candy?

175 calories per 4 segments OOPS which would = 9 syns per 4 segments which is roughly around 4.5 per segment ... Naughty!!!
Nov 7th '13 15:30 PM
Exploding candy? Tell us more. Does it come in a dark chocolate variety? Is it only sold in the UK? You guys have so many cool foods that we don't have here in the states!
Nov 7th '13 17:02 PM
Oh I find the states have much better naughty foods especially those that include peanut butter

I think it's just milk chocolate possibly special edition, never seen them before!
Nov 7th '13 17:03 PM
Oh according to google they do have white and dark options mmmm
Dec 10th '13 19:30 PM
Drool!!!! I need one!
Dec 10th '13 20:27 PM
Wowsers! That sounds really good. I don't know about the states having more goodies than the UK. I actually hate American chocolate. It's full of chemicals and garbage. Unless it's made by a bakery or chocolatier!
Dec 10th '13 21:50 PM
I have never heard of these. They sound great!