Fitness from home - mainly toning

Jun 4th '17 20:48 PM
So ive put on a bit of weight over the last year and gone up a dress size but im finally mostly happy with my body. I dont feel particularly healthy though, and my stomach definitely needs toning up

Im a single mum of two children i work almost full tine and my boyfriend is a nurse working shifts so if i get a night where i dont have the kids and he is off work i would go see him. I feel like my life is too busy to commit to a class like i have done previously. I feel like im better doing somethinh at home.

So my friend suggested a weighted hoop she uses and she says its been brilliant for toning although i dont know exactly how 'fit' you would get from it. I guess the other option is a dvd but i get kind of bored of them quickly and loose motivation.

Any other suggestions? My target area is definitely my stomach! Dont need to loose weight just tone
Jun 5th '17 11:45 AM
This is why I do 6.15am, I just can't commit to any other time of day and be consistent.

I've known 2 people to start hooping as beginners and they love it, They improved and it definitely helps.

You could also fit in some rounds of:
Mountain climbers
Leg lifts
Low ab drops

But also add things in like:
Bum bridges

I keep saying I'll do 20 minutes an hour after dinner and never do - I'm the same as you I'm kinda happy with my body after a gain but the belly is an issue again!
Jun 5th '17 18:24 PM
Yeah i think that would be good for me to get a little routine like that going. Best time for me is after kids are in bed really
Jun 5th '17 18:25 PM
Also about the body gain i have boobs and bum again! But i know as soon as i loose weight theyll be gone
Jun 7th '17 14:43 PM
I know ... I'm the same boobs. Mine really went to nothing they were awful and it is one of the reasons I'm not going as low as I did.
Jun 7th '17 14:54 PM
😂 i need to find some kind of mini routine to get into at home
Jun 7th '17 19:13 PM
It isn't easy at home.

I need to get a couple wrote up, I'll post them up when I do ...

Do you have anything? Aldi sometimes sell weights and KB's.

Why don't you use the above but try and mix them up so you are mixing up what you are using one after the other - IE don't do squats then lunges.

Erm maybe something like: 10 of each rep as many rounds as possible. I'd have to do it to see how many rounds I think but I'd say 2-4. Your endurance will increase which mans your reps and/or rounds would over time.

Mountain climbers
Bum bridges
Low ab drops
Squat again (because I love a squat lol)
Leg lifts

End on 1 plank each round for 30, 45 or 60 seconds (bum downnnnn)
Jun 7th '17 20:57 PM
Hate the plank 😂 i got to 90 seconds at the height of my fitness haha but i doubt i could do 30 now. Thats a good list though thank you ❤❤
Jun 8th '17 09:27 AM
You do go backwards. I was planking with 10/15kg on my back. I could do now but not for the 60/90 seconds. They work though even if you hate them x
Jun 8th '17 17:30 PM
Yeah i can always feel them the next day. I need to get on it im so lazy at the moment. Once i get going its fine but the initial push to get there is tricky haha