Flat belly tips needed

Aug 29th '13 16:07 PM
I've been trying for years to work on developing nice firm abs but I am yet to find the best method for that. I'm quite happy with how I look but my belly lets me down. I've had it for as long as I can remember, so maybe it's genetic and nothing will work. Any super tips out there?
Aug 29th '13 17:45 PM
Once I recover from my recent fall I am going to hit the situp's again, I was doing very well but I fell down my steps which are a tad too slick with the carpet and certain socks. I started to notice a difference after a few months but now I have been 6 weeks since I have done anything. I am in the same boat!
Aug 29th '13 18:58 PM
When I was younger I read a tip that worked for me. It's simply that the stomach muscles need exercise in the same way that other muscles do, so suck your tummy in as hard as you can and hold for a few seconds then let go. Do this as often as you can each day and your stomach muscles will tighten. Trust me, it works!
Aug 29th '13 19:57 PM
I think a lot is down to diet as well to be honest...I can only dream lol!

body weight exercises seem to be the best for tightening your abbs tho - planks, crunches etc. And tighten your core as much as you can while doing any exercise, it all helps!

Aug 31st '13 10:53 AM
I've read many a time that sit-ups aren't the best way to do it, I think it's cos they only really work the muscles one way or something! Things like planks and side planks are fab though!

I've actually just remembered, when I had my small one, my sister told me to sit upright in a chair and pull your muscles in and count down from 100! It actually worked quite well from what I remember! I'll have to start doing it again