How long before you notice a difference and how much?!

Jul 3rd '14 13:06 PM
I started at the gym yesterday and am hoping to go 4/5 times a week. I'm going away at the end of august and am really hoping that there'll be a big difference by then, but am I being overly optimistic?

I couldn't believe how hard I found it yesterday it was the first time I'd properly sweated working out in ages! One of my goals is to be able to do a push up, which I've never been able to do before so a lot of the stuff is arms/chest and I couldn't believe how weak they are!
Jul 3rd '14 13:51 PM
I think you'll definitely notice a difference by August, both in how toned you are and in your strength and fitness

I couldn't do a thing at the gym at first and I was so weak! The personal Rainer said I would be lifting heavier weights in four weeks and I thought 'no way!' But she was right and I'm lifting much heavier now. As for the press ups I still can't do them!

Jul 14th '14 14:15 PM
They say it takes about a month for you to feel different, 2 for you to notice and 3 for the rest of the world which in my experience is true until you take a long break
Jul 14th '14 14:16 PM
Bev I am **** at press ups.... I cross my legs and do them on my knees and I've improved loads.
Jul 14th '14 14:18 PM
Quote by Wobbles:
They say it takes about a month for you to feel different, 2 for you to notice and 3 for the rest of the world which in my experience is true until you take a long break
Until you take a long break! Hahaha, you are so right! I think your numbers are about right too, from what I have had happen in the past. It seems to take a heck of a lot longer for everyone else to notice all my hard work!
Jul 14th '14 14:24 PM
It is true eh End of last year/new year OH has said he was noticing and others had made light comment and I totally went off plan, it was then even I felt and noticed how quickly you go backward