Lets do this

Jun 3rd '15 22:12 PM
fatty pink
hi there,
im starting exante in the morning, i have done this diet before and it worked really well for me. I have suffered a serve bout off depression this year, when im depressed i eat, in november 2014 i weighed 11st 11lb, i weighed myself about an hour ago and i weigh 17st 6lb. To be honest i have had a little cry, im not really depressed any more but due to my weight gain i hate leaving the house as i know ppl are staring and judging me, i look awful, my face is puffy, and im retaining water due to the fizzy drinks and lack off exercise. Also i have no clothes that fit me.im worried if i dont start to lose weight soon i will get depressed again. so i have 3 weeks worth off shakes to start me off. im not planning on useing exante too lose all off the weight, but def for the first 2/3 stone. then i want to change to healthy eating and exercise x so i suppose this is it the begining, as on my 40th birthday next sept i really want to be a stunner who has confidence.
Jun 4th '15 12:22 PM
A lot of us have been there. Overate when we are feeling down and before we know it the weight just goes on and on.Forget what you think people might be saying about you. I get people telling me I need a descent meal inside of me as I have loss weight due to being ill. I try to eat more but I just don't fancy food as I know if I eat the wrong thing it can trigger my ibs. Like Sunday and Monday I ate some garlic and I have suffered for it Tues and Wed.So it's not just the larger ladies/men that get stared at or people comment on. Do you have an ipod or music on your phone. I like to go for a walk listening to music as then I'm in my own little world while walking.So I don't take any notice of others around me.

You've done it once so you CAN do it again.

Welcome to Social Slimmers.
Jun 12th '15 21:40 PM
fatty pink
thank you huntress,
i could not start when i wanted too due to family stuff, but i did eat more healthy and have lost 6lb. i am starting my diet tomorrow for def x feeling ready for it and determined xx
Jun 12th '15 21:41 PM
Good luck for tomorrow! Losing 6lb already is great! You know where we all are for support xx
Jun 12th '15 22:11 PM
fatty pink
thank you xxx
Jun 13th '15 10:01 AM
Good luck fatty pink you can do it.
Jun 13th '15 18:20 PM
fatty pink
thank you x
Jun 13th '15 18:26 PM
fatty pink
not a bad first day, had two milkshakes and plenty off water
i have strawberry and choc mint. now the stawberry is great and if you mix with just a little less water it is creamy.
choc mint is my fav on cambridge diet to the extent that was all i had, but im gutted that exante choc mint is a bit grainy, it has a funny after taste. its not disgusting and i can drink them, for the price i really cant complain.
day one can be classed as a sucsess, and im taking one day at a time x
Jun 13th '15 18:54 PM
Good luck and well done on a successful first day! You can do it
Jun 13th '15 21:12 PM
Yay, well done on a good first day! Have you tried blending the shakes with ice? When I've done shakes in the past its made them like milkshake!