10 Day clean eating challenge!

Aug 12th '15 19:56 PM
Hi guys!
just looking through all the posts on here so many of you are either doing weight watchers or slimming world and i strongly believe it isn't about that its about good, clean eating and detoxing your bodies and giving them the right fuel they need to keep you going throughout the day!
I started clean eating 6 months ago (along with Juice Plus which il explain later if anyone wants to know about it)
and i lost some weight but more importantly i felt healthier, stronger and more bloody energy!!
SO... I'm thinking about doing a 10 day clean eating challenge so we all get involved, share our stories, meals , workouts etc and motivate each other to succeed to lead healthier lifestyles which you can pass on to your kids!
If i get a good response il set it up within the week to start monday!
Let me know what you think guys!
Sep 4th '15 08:02 AM
Hi ..
I think your ideas are great
I also strongly believe they healthy eating and smaller quantities are a big part in keeping fit !
Can you fill me in on the juice plus diet ?
I know this is an old post but hopefully speak soon!
Sep 6th '15 13:37 PM
course i can!
so juice plus is the most scientifically researched nutritional product and it contains the essence of 26 fruits and vegetables its 100% natural whole food based nutrition suitable for anyone!
so when you order you get a detox plan and then loads of clean eating recipes, support groups, work out ideas etc
if you want more info add me on Facebook
and il be happy to help you and get you added into a group to show you what its all about!
Sep 6th '15 15:49 PM
I agree about clean eating, the great thing with SW is that it's more or less clean eating as long as you're cooking from fresh and using their recipes. Obviously once you start throwing the processed food in there such as ready cooked meals it isn't.

I'm happy to follow the challenge because I do it everyday with SW anyway Juicing isn't really for me, I've got both a juicer and a smoothie maker and I've tried those before and I just don't feel full, so good home cooked food is the way forward for me personally.
Sep 6th '15 21:52 PM
Thanks for your reply it's something I'm thinking of trying !
Sep 13th '15 14:07 PM
So juice plus in a nutshell is clean eating along with capsules and shakes to boost the nutrients in your body! when anyone orders from me i add them int the support groups and send them all the files they need which include a 12 week eating plan, workout ideas, shopping list etc! its more of a way of life than a diet! most people think its just drinking juice and smoothies! well not at all, the shakes you have can either be for breakfast or lunch etc but they are also just for snacks or post workout refuelling! the nutrients contained in the products will give you more energy, boost your immune system massively so no colds flu etc, improve your sleep, allow you to train harder, boost weight loss, have better hair skin and nails!
theres loads of different options as well its not just shakes, theres capsules, chews, bars etc!
if you want any more info on prices etc let me know and il pass it all over to you
Sep 16th '15 09:23 AM
Juice Plus mad me tired ... did you go straight from a customer to a seller of the product?

Detoxing the body is good then introducing foods slowly to see if you have any intolerances. I did very well on my detox but have since learnt if I detox my body reacts better to good old fashioned food.

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