Sports Drinks

Oct 4th '13 17:54 PM
A woman at work brings Gatorade with her each day and claims it is a healthy diet drink since runners and other athletes drink them. Have you ever looked at the labels for these drinks? They are loaded with sugar and sodium. The carb and calorie counts are both pretty high. People expending a lot of energy and sweat need those things to replenish what they have lost. We work in an air-conditioned office.

Oct 5th '13 15:40 PM
I don't like the flavor. I can always taste that salty undertone that is beneath the sweetness. The only time I buy it is if someone is recovering from being sick and it helps rehydrate them.
Oct 6th '13 15:59 PM
Gatorade is nothing more than flavored sugar water with added sodium. Look at this nutrition label. The serving size is for 1/4 of a bottle and we all know that the person will end up drinking it all in one sitting.

If you drink the entire bottle of Gatorade, you will have taken in 200 useless calories, 440 mg of sodium, a huge 56 mg of carbs from 56 mgs of sugar.

Oct 6th '13 18:58 PM
I don't like sports drinks at all and think they are a bit of a con. I think water is enough to rehydrate.

Didn't drinks such as lucozade start off as drinks for sick people before they were rebranded as sports drinks?

Oct 6th '13 19:40 PM
I love blue powerade! Although I don't drink it now cos it's just full of crap! I think as a one off it's ok, but really water and a good diet's got to be better than a bottle of artificial shit
Oct 6th '13 23:24 PM
Jeans that is about the only time I use them either. A while back I was really sick and could barely keep anything down but for some reason Gatorade worked. I hated that week as I can taste the salt too but it did help in a pinch.
Oct 7th '13 21:55 PM
I like lucozade when hungover lol but they are sooooo many more calories than the drink you guys are talking about!