Foods that are low in calories

Mar 16th '18 13:03 PM
Do you have any food suggestions that are low in calories and filling?

I'm looking for low calorie ideas for a lighter lunch and snacks.

Thank you

Mar 16th '18 18:57 PM
Chicken breast cooked and cut in small strips on the fresh salad ( any veg you like) with balsamic vinegar on top for extra taste. I like it.

Quark blended with fruits: peaches or blueberries or strawberries are my favourite

Breast mince mixed with herbs to your liking (shaped in small balls) cooked in tomatoes (chopped tomatoes in the can) with any other vegies you like. I don’t use any oil, just veg/chicken cube
Mar 21st '18 11:23 AM
Thank you

I've never tried quark. How does the tase of quark compare to greek yogurt?

What is breast mince sorry?

Mar 21st '18 13:35 PM
Removed - posted on wrong thread!
Mar 21st '18 17:05 PM
Quote by Angel1234:
Thank you

I've never tried quark. How does the tase of quark compare to greek yogurt?

What is breast mince sorry?

quark on its own is more bland than Greek yogurt and more thick but blended with plenty fruit is tasty and healthy plus very low in calories

Chicken breast mince - it’s less than 2% fat - you can buy it in Sainsbury’s
Mar 24th '18 18:00 PM
I had no idea you could buy chicken breast mince!

Learn something new every day
Aug 17th '18 11:50 AM
Obesity, in the last few decades, has emerged as a global epidemic. Sedentary lifestyle, busy schedules, unhealthy food habits and intense competition at workplaces; all just contribute to obesity. Moreover, these factors make it difficult for a person to take necessary steps to overcome this problem. I read about "Weight Loss Diet Plans" at zovon few months ago, and since then, I am following the mentioned diet. And I must say, I have lost a lot of weight.

100 calories Food

Peanut Butter. 1 tablespoon = 100 calories.
Radishes. 100 = 100 calories.
Avocado. 1/3 = 100 calories.
Chocolate Chip Cookies. 2 medium (2 1/4-inch diameter) = 100 calories.
Shrimp. 13 large, steamed or boiled = 100 calories.
Clementines. 3 = 100 calories.
Chocolate Kisses. 4 1/2 = 100 calories.
Aug 20th '18 11:01 AM
8 Things You Must Do To Lose Weight For Good
When it comes to things you should do to lose weight, the list can stretch a long way. Indeed, many are good suggestions; however, many will not work simply because they do not focus on cultivating the habits necessary for long-term weight loss.
Considering the cabbage soup diet? Sure, it will work for a few days. Maybe you will lose a pound or even 5, but you cannot follow it forever, and you will likely regain the weight you lost and more after going to back to eating as usual.
To achieve true long-term weight loss, invest your time and effort into learning and mastering the basics, because a strong foundation paves the way to success.
Clean The Junk Out Of Your Cupboards
Hungry? That box of breakfast cereal looks delicious doesn’t it? That’s the kind of temptation you will have to deal with every single day when hunger strikes.
The proven simplest way to combat it?
Get rid of all the junk. Anything processed, laden with sugar and unhealthy fats need to be removed. Listen, we know things are expensive, so if dumping hurts finish them off or give them away and then do not buy them again.
Stock your refrigerator with:
Lean Meats
Don’t forget to ditch the soda. Soda is the single most harmful “food” we routinely use.
Learn Healthy Foods
Speaking of food, take the time to learn what foods are healthy or else you will not be able to implement or sustain healthy habits.
Educate Yourself- Learn Your Caloric Needs
Your caloric needs are likely different from the other people living in your home. In fact, if your roomie is a super athlete, they will need more calories, since their body requires surplus fuel.
Activity level, age and your bodyweight all determine your caloric needs, surpassing which leads to weight gain. Use any of the numerous online calorie calculators to assess your needs.

The way to lose weight? The opposite. Create a deficit of calories, about 500 calories less than your daily requirement is advised. Do not restrict too much, too fast, or your body enters a “stingy” mode, hoarding calories as if your life depends on it- this is known as starvation mode.
Realize What Motivates You
We all need that one thing that motivates us enough, and gives us tunnel vision to accomplish it.
Motivators to lose weight can be many things, ranging from that sexy guy/gal getting your eye, disease prevention, more energy, staying alive for your kids, or aspirations to look like a role model.
Whatever your motivation is, it needs to be strong enough so that every time you are reminded of it, you get a psychological kick to get in the work.
Revamp Your Diet
More than likely, your current diet is crap. Starting today, you need to ignore “conventional” wisdom, (the food pyramid) and forge the way proven to give results.
Make the “base” of your diet vegetables. Different types, all colors and lots of them. Not only are they ridiculously healthy, but you can stuff them to satisfaction and hardly dent your caloric intake for the day. You can’t do that with any other food group.
Of secondary importance are protein rich foods (meat, poultry, and fish). If you’re a vegetarian, you will have to make do with protein rich plant sources, but saturated animal fats are not bad when consumed in the absence of carbs.
To top it off, are fruits, then grains, and nonfat dairy in moderation.
Learn About Portion Control
Nobody likes to be restricted, especially when it comes to food. In fact, second to eating the wrong things, overeating is the next most significant contributor to obesity.
If you want sustainable weight loss, you need to eat measured portions. You will not starve if you break up your meals into smaller portions and eat more often throughout the day but you will kick-start your metabolism. Your body will thank you by feeling like it has a v8 engine.
Learn and practice moderation
Moderation eludes many people, but it is essential for sustainable weight loss. Moderation means one bite of cake versus 2 slices, it means indulging in “bad foods” on occasion instead of every day. Moderation is much more of a compromise and not a sacrifice.
Set profound diet and lifestyle habit changes
Consider making habit changes your goal instead of weight loss. Become mindful of what you are eating every day, and start by making small changes in your habits. Substitute healthy options for traditional dessert, order burgers lettuce wrapped instead of with the bun, eat real whole food for at least 2 of your meals daily, and stop drinking soda the list can go on and on.
If you usually spend more days of the week on the couch, get moving! Exercise makes you lose weight faster, besides all its other benefits.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with the flurry of tips and trick out there to lose weight, just stick to these 5. Try it for 12 weeks, with nothing else. After that, you will have made inroads to your waist, and then you will be convinced of its efficacy. To your weight loss!
Mar 31st '21 07:14 AM
Try salads with chicken and tomatoes, you may not even add salt or spices. Dress it with lemon juice, it's also very tasty. The chicken sandwich is also not very calorie-dense. Alternatively, you can make a smoothie.
Apr 13th '23 14:05 PM
Advises choosing entire foods over processed ones for meals that are low in calories, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. But what foodstuffs ought you include on your shopping list? According to nutritionists, these are the greatest low-calorie, satisfying items to keep on hand in your refrigerator and pantry to support your efforts to lose weight and improve your health.