Back to calorie counting

Feb 3rd '17 14:13 PM
I've a little gain to lose so I've gone back to basics ... calories. I was on Macros but this time within my calorie goal all I'm paying attention to is my protein intake which I'm aiming for around 160g of protein a day.

1300 Rest days
1400-1600 training days based on the WOD intensity and anything extra (working, cycling etc).

I hate this back to basics scenario Only my own fault.

Anyone 'counting'?
Feb 4th '17 11:49 AM
I could never get my head around calorie counting, I just couldn't keep track of everything and still feel satisfied.

Best of luck getting back on track though!

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Feb 4th '17 19:22 PM
Emaline 30
Hi Wobbles, I do calorie counting .. plus carb counting and otters as well.
I must confess it's like an obsession with me and I weigh everything .. and I do mean everything ! I have found that a slice of bread from the same pack can weigh anything between 26g - 36g which makes quite a difference if you're on a strict allowance.

All the best for your new start.

Feb 4th '17 20:37 PM
I need to get back to calorie counting again. I find it too easy to go off track when I don't track calories.
Wow that's a lot of protein! How do you meet that goal? Do you need to have protein shakes?
Good luck with the calorie counting.

Feb 20th '17 17:04 PM
I think when you aren't satisfied its about finding the foods that do and protein is filling.

The carbs built up very quick but I try and avoid bread and stick to whole pasta (rarely) and rice which I weigh. Can be a faff sometimes and I guess.

Bev I hit it ok. I eat alot of chicken, egg white and sky yog ... plus I have protein after workout. I will top with a protein shake at bedtime if I've not reached it.

Mar 4th '17 02:31 AM
I don't count as such but I think we all need to be aware of calories. I joined SW solely for the discipline of being weighed each week and not to learn how to eat properly as I have always known what is good and bad food wise. I find it difficult listening to ppl being told about 'free' foods that I would consider far from 'free' which is where a bit of knowledge of calories would be helpful to people
Mar 6th '17 10:41 AM
I always think the same as you Daisy. The pasta, rice & potatoes as free is crazy. Depending how active you are should depend on how much of those 'carbs' should be in your meal plans. I don't see how bread isn't free and pasta is.

I started on SW with a friend... she was a desk job worker, wasn't active (exercise) and ate pasta every day whereas I limited it, I was losing 2-4lbs weekly she hardly lost anything. Moderation a must.
Mar 7th '17 01:52 AM
I completely agree that they should all be eaten in moderation, I know lots of people who never measure how much pasta/rice they eat. That's one thing I've always done though, mostly because of the portions on the plate (the whole 1/3 rule!) but also because when I eat too much of them I feel like I've eaten a balloon!

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Mar 22nd '17 17:51 PM
I feel so bloated and uncomfortable after I've eaten too much carbs too. It's actually a huge problem for me recently as I don't seem to realise I'm full, I just crave eating more and more until suddenly I feel so uncomfortable, and I suffer from anxiety which it kind of makes worse, as it's not comfortable to be that bloated around the middle
May 4th '23 15:21 PM
Add more vegetables and fruits to your plate