Calories counted from fitness band

Jan 5th '15 15:56 PM
Are these accurate with calories burned?

Also do you wear yours all the time? Wondered if you still count the calories burned from day to day activities, therefore keeping it on or just have it on during extra exercise?
Jan 5th '15 20:19 PM
I have a Jawbone Up. tbh I don't have much to compare it with although I aways thought a man burned roughly 2500 calories a day (without exercise) and my band said I was burning about 1850... which might explain why my weight was still creeping up even when eating an average diet
Jan 5th '15 21:34 PM
Ah so thats where the mens/womens average calorie intake comes from? What you should burn doing day to day stuff? Thats interesting. I want to see how mine differs from my days off to my work days.
Jan 5th '15 21:49 PM
I used to use my jawbone up but I took it off one day to charge and forgot to put it on again

I have a new iPhone now that counts steps, distance and how many times you climb a flight of stairs etc. I've not had chance to have a proper play with it as it's meant to be able to sync with myfitnesspal. At least I don't forget to take my phone with me everywhere
Mar 18th '16 08:01 AM
Even I have started counting calories since the day I have gained weight.