Does Diet Coke have carbs?

May 8th '14 03:57 AM
According to the nutrition label, one serving of Diet Coke has 0 carbs and 0 sugar, but when I was reading through the how-to of the Atkins Induction phase, it said that you can have diet sodas as long as you make sure to count the carbs. I thought they didn't have any carbs; now I'm confused!!
May 8th '14 07:08 AM
If the nutrition label on the can or bottle of the Diet Coke shows that it has 0 carbs, then it has 0 carbs. What are you confused about?

There are diet sodas on the market that have lower sugar and calories but aren't completely free of them. It is important to read labels when trying something new.
May 8th '14 11:04 AM
Diet Coke has 0 carbs, whereas Diet Pepsi has 0.108 carbs per 100ml. Some diet sodas do contain carbs but very little and if you are having just one it should be fine.
May 8th '14 18:28 PM
Some diet drinks have carbs...some as many as 1.2 per 100ml so in a 500ml bottle there would be 6g of net carbs! No good during induction. Most are low or zero but just read labels as I've been caught out! X
May 8th '14 19:03 PM
Carbs? No. It's the other things in there that you should be worried about. Aspertame is a horrible substance that is in almost every diet soda today. It's also in a lot of gum which is another reason I don't chew it anymore! Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote very extensively on the side effects of aspertame which you should check out sometime.
May 11th '14 07:48 AM
Aspartame is the biggest reason I avoid diet sodas. All soda is bad for your teeth, too, so that's another reason not to drink it. Just because it's diet doesn't mean it's good for you.
May 11th '14 13:40 PM
If the label states none then there is none. They can't just leave things off the label. I can see where you would be confused though. I'm sure other diet drinks do have carbs.

I don't like the way my mouth tastes after I drink diet pop.
Jan 16th '15 01:03 AM
Diet sodas contain no carbs.

However, research shows the body is fooled into thinking diet soda does contain carbs.

Avoid diet soda and try some water.
Mar 6th '15 10:31 AM
I read about people getting cravings for diet soda. Seems it has the effect of leeching calcium from your bones and into your bloodstream. The body reads this as your fizzy diet soda being a good source of calcium which it is not. So if you get cravings for pop, eating or drinking something high in calcium can stop them. If that helps in giving it up.
Think Aspartame is banned in the USA due to it being proved to cause cancer. In the UK they argued that the average person doesn't drink enough diet pop for it to effect health. So it is widely used as an extremely cheap sweetener. Have not looked into it enough to know what levels cause issues and how daily exposure factors so I might be being harsh. Certainly a few cans a day shouldn't cause problems.
Mar 6th '15 20:29 PM
I completely agree with others. Curbs are not the worst part of the diet drinks. These drinks has so many unhealthy and even harmful ingredients that you should avoid them no matter what!