Does Diet Coke have carbs?

Mar 16th '15 12:39 PM
Seems might be being harsh on Aspartame found one website that looks at the studies in detail. Seems lot of the warnings come from studies in rats and the reaction in people and other primates is different. Puts the figure of 12 liters in a single sitting to produce enough Formaldehyde in an average person to have a negative effect. So sorry aspartame
The calcium leeching and other nasty chemical side effects still stand though
Apr 3rd '15 13:35 PM
yes, I agree, diet soda is the worst. Whether it's diet coke or pepsi, its full of stuff that's terrible for you aspartame being one of them. I used to drink a lot of diet coke, but I've knocked it on the head for now. Ocassionally I will have a relapse and splurge on it, but generally I steer clear. Plus it give me the jitters now.
May 19th '15 23:58 PM
To my knowledge Aspartame is a sweetening chemical which is bacteria feces. As it is the main sweetener for 'diet' drinks they say as the sweetener is in the stomach it tricks the body into thinking that sugar is on the way and as the sugar isnt actually there your body creates insulin which creates more fat than regular coke. So you may aswel have regular coke but then again. Just give up fizzy drinks altogether, i have done since the 1st of this month, ive been tempted but don't give in. Sugar is the most addictive drug in the world.
Best thing you can do is drink water, the body craves it, your body can work at its best with pure H2O, forget about cartons of fruit juice, they are just full of sugar. Just turn pro, drink water.