Counting calories and hit the wall for weight loss

May 2nd '14 11:22 AM
I've been counting my calories daily for a few months now and in total have lost about 12 lbs. For the past two weeks I've hit a wall and haven't been losing anything. I'm supposed to keep my count at around 1400 calories a day and was told it was not healthy to fall below that. Is there a plateau you hit where you have to lower the calorie count?
May 2nd '14 18:29 PM
Such a good question. There seems to be a natural plateau that many people hit. In my experience usually all it takes is to just stick with it, don't increase or decrease your calories. Maybe mix it up with different types of exercise, but just stick to the plan and you'll be back on track in no time! Congrats on the 12 lbs!!
May 3rd '14 11:59 AM
Thanks KatieMac. I'm trying to eat less of the fruits and more dark vegetables to see if that makes a difference. I'm also starting to walk more, along with my exercising and hope something works at moving it again.