Planning ahead

Apr 27th '14 04:01 AM
I found a pretty helpful link for calculating calories. It's helped me with planning out my meals ahead of time.

Do any of you do this as well? I've found that if I plot out what I'm going to eat days in advance, it helps me stay on track with monitoring my calories.
Apr 28th '14 22:51 PM
I do plan ahead with most days if unsure I search for the calorie information too first!
Apr 29th '14 08:10 AM
We do plan ahead (for dinners), but in a very casual way. I make a week's menu, we are sure to buy what we need for that week and then we kind just cook whatever we feel like on any given day (based on what the menus says for the week). It's all good until maybe the last day of the week, when we have to eat the last meal left on the plan and might not really feel like it...
May 5th '14 12:16 PM
I'm generally good about sticking to my meal plan, but it does get kind of difficult when life happens and we end up at a restaurant, or meal times get pushed ahead. Routine is everything for me. I've found that it's easier to account for those things when I'm keep track of everything else, though.
May 5th '14 15:09 PM
I find that planning two days ahead helps me as I then know where I am with my calories etc. If I don't plan ahead then I find that I'm more likely to just eat rubbish as it's easier!
May 5th '14 17:13 PM
I try to plan ahead as well. Sometimes, my schedule just won't allow it but I do try to buy what's on sale at the market to make a few different meals. This way, I am not tempted to buy junk food or eat out as much.