Hollywood Diet

Apr 1st '14 00:06 AM
I have heard about this diet plan through friends and I have done a little reading on it, but does this work?

I am wondering if anyone can tell me what they think about this dieting system?
Apr 2nd '14 18:04 PM
Not heard of it. Googled it and the top result was about 'Kelly Osbourne' and her new diet... kinda switched off when I saw that
Apr 25th '14 09:10 AM
I would be nervous about anything that has to do with celebrities. I hate to say it, but the fad diets work. But they are just a quick fix and unless changes are made to lifestyle, then the weight doesn't stay off. I did some of those when I was losing weight a few years ago and it just creates an environment for yo-yo dieting. Better to go with something that helps you change how you live and eat.
Apr 26th '14 00:03 AM
I had to Google this one, too, and I don't know that I want to research further into it. It seems to be paired in quite a few results with the word "miracle," which is a red flag for me.