Substitute for tomatos (need help)

Feb 21st '14 19:59 PM
I found this little recipe online and I am not fond of tomatoes. I want to keep about the same balance of nutrients so what else would work?

  1. 2 oz fresh part-skim mozzarella cheese
  2. 2 high-fiber crackers
  3. 1/3 tomato(es), sliced
  4. 1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil

Feb 21st '14 22:50 PM
Would bell peppers work well? They are very healthy.
Feb 22nd '14 03:49 AM
I agree with using bell peppers. Orange and yellow peppers have a very mild flavor that could do very well with this recipe. For a totally different flavor, you could probably use cucumbers, too. Don't know how that would mix with the mozzarella, but it's worth a shot.
Feb 22nd '14 14:52 PM
Have you thought about maybe trying fruit? Papaya or mango might be a nice replacement for the tomato texturally and also give you that vitamin C kick.
Feb 22nd '14 15:26 PM
I would probably use roasted red peppers. Bell peppers are fine, but they have an entirely different texture, flavor and moisture level than a tomato. Roasted red peppers would be closer in all of those than a raw pepper.
Feb 22nd '14 20:42 PM
I wondered about fruit but I really wasn't sure if it would work or not. I think I will stick with the cucumbers for me and leave the peppers for my husband.
Feb 22nd '14 21:05 PM
I'd say cucumber, roasted pepper or thinly sliced carrot! Roasted red pepper and baby spinach would be nice actually and would give you an extra iron boost too!
Apr 11th '14 23:28 PM
Hello avidian, when I read your post, it occurred to me that some food vendors in tropical countries substitute ripe pawpaw for tomatoes when these are scarce on the market. Ground ripe pawpaw looks very much like ground tomatoes, but the taste is quite different.