34 grams of sugar?

Nov 2nd '13 19:21 PM
As I was saying in another thread, I've been trying to rein in my carbohydrate and sugar intake. Well, I'm using MyFitnessPal to track everything and it will let you customize how you want your percentages to be, meaning where you want your calories to come from. (How much as fat, how much as protein, how much as carbs.) However, it seems to default to a limit of 34 grams of sugar per day, regardless of how anything else changes. Where is this seemingly arbitrary number coming from? What's the logic in limiting to 34 grams? Does anyone know?
Nov 3rd '13 06:56 AM
I'm not really familiar with that app and I haven't used it. My guess is that they consider 34 grams of sugar to be over the limit for a low carb diet.
Nov 3rd '13 10:04 AM
I suppose anything above that would be considered s higher carb ratio. I try to stick to 25 net grams of carbs x
Nov 3rd '13 20:16 PM
Thanks for the input guys; maybe you are right. I've been doing a little research but you know how the Internet is -- every site will tell you something different -- so I'm not really sure if 34 grams is an accurate limit or not. It's weird though because it doesn't matter how I change the ratios -- high carb or low carb -- the sugar amount still stays the same.