My new home

Jan 8th '15 09:36 AM
So with my sons wedding in May and the risk of photographs I'm aiming for target of 9st. I was 10st 8 on Monday so started ww and bought a fitbit
Jan 8th '15 09:39 AM
Good luck! I have a fitbit too and I love it, it's so motivating!
Jan 14th '15 20:50 PM
Hello Mamafy! How are you getting on. How does this plan work compared to slimming world do you know?

I hope you like your bitfit I have heard good things from friends about them.

Belle xx
Jan 16th '15 10:04 AM
Doing well...lost about 3lbs so far. I love the versatility of ww as you can point anything Sw for me alliws me too much scope to overeat. Although what I eat is similar on both but fruit shakes would be synned whereas you don't point blended fruit on ww This works for me as I like to have a 0pp soup gor lunch plus a fruit shake with 1pp of almond milk (250ml) It leaves me I can have a bigger dinner and a few snacjs if I want
Jan 16th '15 11:47 AM
Well done on the weight loss, Mamafy! You're doing great
Jan 16th '15 17:39 PM
Congrats on the weight loss! I know what you mean about wanting to slim down for pictures, too. A friend of mine is throwing a party for her son (1st birthday) and I already know there's going to be a pro photographer there. EEK!!
Jan 16th '15 19:04 PM
Well done on yor weight loss that's amazing xx