My 2019 Journal To Health & Fitness

Jan 10th '19 18:01 PM
So 2018 I was to repair 'damage' ... I didn't do too well. I dipped in and out but I know from clothes and photos I have lost weight however I am far from happy with this.

I didn't dedicate at all!

Soooooo here we go again!

This week I was meant to be back at the gym as I've had some time off however my gym wife is quite busy at the moment as her horse is poorly so she goes to see him at stupid o'clock to give him his first meds so if we did the 6am class she'd be getting up at 4.30am so instead she goes to sort poor Wonky and gets to me about 6.30am for a run along the promenade. I'm ok with that ... Firstly I wouldn't have it any other way than to support my fav gym buddy, wouldn't want to start back without her and then above all it's good to be getting up again for the routine and doing something, lets face it running is a good fat burn!

So we have been out twice this week; Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday she rocked up but I just wasn't feeling great so we sat and drank coffee but that is ok too. Today was rest day as I needed a lie in with no school run before getting back to work Saturday. Tomorrow I have a team meeting but we have time to get the trainers back outside so we will be doing a run tomorrow.

I've eaten 'ok' but have also been dipping into the Christmas goodies. I'm also 'ok' with that.

I want to start getting into a routine of doing a mini session when I am at work. Anything as long as it is something.

So here goes ... I won't be using scales to measure my progress.

Jan 16th '19 12:37 PM
I haven't been back to a class yet as my friend still can't make it but we've done a couple of runs. I plan to go Monday morning as my fav coach is taking the session but beforehand I'm in work from tomorrow until Saturday morning.

Plan on doing some ab and body weight work before bed and in mornings at work.

Food ok. I need to cut down my carbs for a while so that's my goal for next week ... meal plan to reduce them!
Feb 12th '19 14:48 PM
On and off but more on than I was. I have a week off next week so hoping to get in all days although may be going away so plan may or may not happen

Body wise I feel like I'm fluctuating but feel based on what I've ate I should be steady on the down and staying there. Maybe I need to bring the scales back out!
Mar 4th '19 12:26 PM
I've managed some sessions, some run walks and some cycling ... max I did was 10.8 miles, would love to go further in nicer weather!

Eating still good then blow a day but not feeling any bigger.

Just started taking iron ... spatone ( and have to say I think it helps. I've also had my copper coil out and I swear that has contributed to feeling 'better'
Mar 14th '19 15:27 PM
6am session done yesterday
6am session done today

Hard work after so long and I adapted the workouts but I went. It has felt good but also shit knowing my endurance has taken a massive dive so I need to focus.

I could go tomorrow but I am going to slowly find my energy without exhausting myself. I am up 4.30am for work Saturday morning ready for a 48hr shift and I need to take this into consideration.

Tomorrow I might have my extra 2 hours in bed and go for a small run in afternoon but as I live on the coast and the wind is quite high I may leave it. We will see.
Mar 15th '19 10:11 AM
I'm a little achy today and the weather doesn't motivate us so I think I will do some messages I need to do today this morning and do a little workout before packing for work over the weekend and get a nice early night... rest physically and mentally today is the plan! I might even make a couple of soups for work, I fancy trying to wing together a coconut, lemon and chili soup!

Yesterday was a fasting day food wise.
Dec 14th '19 23:48 PM
I feel I failed 2019 although I have defo lost some weight I am nowhere near where I should be or more importantly where I should be with some fitness.... I have dipped in and out of some home workouts, trying to go back to my gym, boxing fitness sessions and some outdoor running!

2020 should have some bigger updates!!!!!