Feeling fat!

Nov 29th '16 16:51 PM
The weekend I did nothing but eat!

We went to the dutch pancake house and I had savoury and sweet pancakes
- Peppers, chicken, cheese & onion for savoury - Cherries, ice-cream & cream for sweet... Really thin pancakes but so so so filling!

Dinner sausages, mash and gravy with the compulsory Yorkshire pudding with carrots and peas.

* insert a bottle of wine*

Then came Sunday when I took the girls for cake at a cafe and then in the evening had loads of cheese and crackers *insert a bottle of wine*.

Pure bad food choices I still feel bloated and full from it all!
Nov 30th '16 11:56 AM
That's pretty much been the whole of November for me

I'm stuck in that vicious circle of feeling fat and bloated and hating it, but then eating my way through the depression I can't win!

Wine and prosecco are also to blame!
Dec 1st '16 18:36 PM
November has been awful for me too. What is it about this month?!
Dec 2nd '16 20:09 PM
Me too! I just can't stop eating all the wrong stuff!